Acupuncture & Fertility
Acupuncture triggers a decrease in stress hormones and prompts the release of endorphins, inducing a deep state of relaxation. Studies indicate that women experiencing high stress levels often have notably lower pregnancy rates, while consistent acupuncture sessions promote balance. By targeting specific acupoints in the body, needle insertion enhances blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. This process supports embryo implantation and fosters crucial initial stages of fetal development.
Acupuncture Can Address
Hormonal imbalances
Luteal phase defects
Unexplained infertility
Uterine fibroids and cysts
Irregular menstrual cycle
Recurrent miscarriage
Elevated FSH
Advanced Maternal Age
How Does Herbal Therapy Improve Fertility?
Herbs function to nourish and fortify the body, aiding in the assimilation of essential nutrients crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Adequate nutrition significantly impacts the quality of ovarian eggs and the thickness of the uterine lining. In the reproductive region, inflammation can obstruct fertility, prompting acupuncturists to recommend specific herbs aimed at reducing inflammation. Moreover, certain other herbs effectively contribute to regulating and balancing hormone levels.
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Together, they can help to improve the fertility rate in number of ways:
Enhancing ovarian function for better quality egg production
Regulating hormones to increase the number of follicles
Boosting uterine blood flow and thickening the uterine lining
Relaxing the patient, reducing stress and anxiety, which can impact fertility
Preventing uterine contractions
Alleviating side effects of IVF drugs
Strengthening the immune system and decreasing the likelihood of miscarriage
Improving semen for better embryo quality and quantity
In a 2002 German study, out of 80 women who underwent IVF with acupuncture, 34 (42.5%) achieved pregnancy. In contrast, among the 80 women receiving IVF without acupuncture, only 21 (26.3%) became pregnant. A more recent American study involving 114 women revealed that 51% of those who received acupuncture alongside IVF became pregnant, compared to only 36% of those having IVF alone. Upon deeper analysis, the acupuncture group showed an 8% miscarriage rate, while the IVF-only group had a 20% miscarriage rate. Additionally, women receiving acupuncture had lower rates of ectopic pregnancies.